You deserve better(你可以找到更好的)
I deserve better(我能找到更好的)
We’re too alike(我们两个太像了)
You bore me(你挺没意思的)
You just don’t get me
I just don’t want you
I’m not ready for the real thing
This isn’t the real thing
I love you as a friend
You don’t really turn me on
I need space
I want to get far, far away from you
I need to focus on my career
I’m crushing on a coworker
I wish it could have worked out between us(我以为我们能克服问题,可惜。。)
I wish I don’t have to have this conversation(不需要再说废话,实在是太爽了)
I don’t want to hold you back
You’re a drag
We’re just at different points in our lives(我们两人的人生侧重点不同)
You’re beneath me
My feelings for you are so intense, they scare me(对你的感情太强烈,我害怕得不知所措)
My feelings for you are totally nonexistent (我对你早就没感觉了)